In Good Hands

In Good Hands Price: $90,000
Dimensions: Life and a quarter size" tall

There is no better place for Jesus to be present than in a doctor's office. Here Christ guides the doctor's heart and hand - helping him to give the best possible care, make the right decisions, and set the patient and mother at ease. At the same time, Christ watches over the mother and baby as both their provider and protector.

Jeff's motivation during the sculpting process intensified when he and his wife, Loren, were visiting her father in the hospital with a terminal illness.

We visited the ICU waiting room many times, and I began to realize what a very profound place a hospital is. One evening the waiting room was especially crowded. As we sat wedged in between strangers, the loudspeaker suddenly announced a "code red". Medical personnel in scrubs began dashing through double doors. A few minutes later a doctor spoke to a person in the hallway, who began to cry and sob with the deepest distress. Just about everyone in the waiting room stood up and walked around, crying and talking to each other. People were wiping away tears, holding hands and hugging. Observing that scene, I realized what a serious task I had been entrusted with. Through my art I had been given a unique opportunity to help console, encourage, and witness to the kind of people who need it most.

I had a tremendous responsibility to convey a special message in this sculpture. The subject matter of the sculpture grouping is perfect for the message; Jesus, smiling gently, standing behind a doctor, mother, and child.

It is Jeff's hope that occasionally hospital personnel, recovering patients, their families, and others might step away from the intense drama of the hospital to come to the sculpture, relax, meditate, be comforted, and gain strength.

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